External Reset Switch

Do you wish you could reach your RiscPC's reset switch? Fed up with having to switch off your computer to reset it?

Switching your computer off and on again each time you wish to reset can put unnecessary strain on your hard drive and on the rest of your computer. Using the reset switch does not interrupt the power to your hard drive and components and so can prolong their life.

Owl-Art Un-Ltd. can now offer an external reset switch for the RiscPC/A7000. This requires no soldering and simply plugs in inside the computer and ends in a socket in a spare podule blanking slot (those without a spare blanking plate can drill a hole in the case and fit the socket that way). The switch itself is a small 6mm switch in a black box 46mmx32mm and 20mm deep with a 1.5m lead. This allows the switch to be placed where ever it is most convenient.

Picture of reset switch


No-solder external reset switch: £15
Postage: £1.50

Please make cheques payable to "A.M.Conroy". Sorry, we cannot accept credit/debit cards.

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